Advancing Digital Health Tools Through Co-Creation

Advancing Digital Health Tools Through Co-Creation: Insights From the COMFORTage Pilot 9 Workshops

Insights From the COMFORTage Pilot 9 Workshops

Co-creation in healthcare enhances the acceptance and usability of health solutions, fostering greater efficiency and addressing mistrust and misunderstanding among end-users (Laurisz et al., 2023). The COMFORTage project utilized a co-creation approach to develop a digital health solution tailored to older adults. Through interactive workshops, stakeholders collaborated to identify both barriers and opportunities for its effective implementation. Pilot 9, led by the Ana Aslan International Foundation (ANA), focuses on addressing frailty by designing personalized physical interventions and exercise programs to be delivered through a dedicated app. To this end, we engaged older adults and medical specialists in a workshop to evaluate both the app and a key digital device to be used—the Squegg dynamometer.

Workshop Structure and Participants

The ANA team facilitated three workshops involving eight healthcare professionals (doctors and physiotherapists) and 12 older adults aged 55 and above, all interested in digital healthcare. These sessions explored the functionalities of the proposed COMFORTage solution, focusing on barriers to adoption and design strategies to improve accessibility and engagement.

Healthcare Professionals’ Workshop

Professionals identified barriers older adults face in exercising, including fear of accidents, low motivation, and insufficient feedback on technique. Solutions proposed included:

  • Clear, concise instructions in exercise videos.
  • A simple, user-friendly app interface.
  • Safety evaluations before initiating exercises.
  • A structured program with intensity levels (easy, moderate, intense).

Exercise video guidelines featured:

  • Introduction: Safety reminders and preparation steps.
  • Execution: Demonstrations followed by guided practice.
  • Conclusion: Motivational messages to encourage consistency.

A gradual progression in intensity ensured accessibility, while live demonstrations and motivational materials were recommended to build confidence.


Older Adults’ Workshops

Older adults highlighted barriers like digital literacy gaps, preferences for simple interfaces, and the need for tailored training. Their feedback emphasized:

  • Clear instructions and minimal distractions in exercise videos.
  • Home-based programs with safety-focused content.
  • Demonstrators who model safe, precise movements.

Participants valued content that aligned with their capabilities, stressing the importance of personalized guidance and motivational features.

Blueprint Persona Development

The persona “Ion” captured the typical older adult user of the COMFORTage app, highlighting barriers such as limited digital experience and safety concerns. Ion’s profile guided the team in developing user-friendly features and support resources tailored to older adults’ needs.

Key Outcomes

Insights from the workshops will shape the COMFORTage project by:

  1. Prioritizing simplicity, safety, and accessibility in app design.
  2. Developing tailored training to enhance digital literacy and user confidence.
  3. Incorporating feedback from professionals and older adults for practical and engaging solutions.

Advancing Digital Health Tools Through Co-Creation: Insights From the COMFORTage Pilot 9 Workshops


The co-creation workshops showcased the value of collaborative development in healthcare innovation. By addressing user needs and incorporating tailored solutions, COMFORTage is poised to deliver a digital health tool that empowers older adults to maintain autonomy, improve well-being, and engage actively in health management. This approach sets a precedent for inclusive, impactful digital healthcare solutions.


Laurisz N, Ćwiklicki M, Ć»abiƄski M, Canestrino R, Magliocca P. Co-Creation in Health 4.0 as a New Solution for a New Era. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Jan 27;11(3):363. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11030363. PMID: 36766938; PMCID: PMC9913923.

**Article written by Dr. Andreea Stamate. Research Department, Ana Aslan International Foundation, Bucharest, Romania. A key partner in the COMFORTage project

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