Innovation in COMFORTage


Pilot 7 Mind&Mouth Lessons Learned from Co-creation Workshops on Persona development for Oral Health and wellbeing In September, the MFU & VSTE team held the COMFORTage…


Co-Creation Workshops at Fundacio ACE: Digital Tools for Dementia Care in COMFORTage The ACE Alzheimer Center Barcelona recently hosted two co-creation workshops for the COMFORTage project,…

Insights From the COMFORTage Pilot 9 Workshops Co-creation in healthcare enhances the acceptance and usability of health solutions, fostering greater efficiency and addressing mistrust and misunderstanding…


Fostering Personalised Dementia and Frailty Care Solutions: The COMFORTage Community Forum (CCF) As Europe confronts the challenges of an aging population, innovative solutions for dementia and…

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