The COMFORTage´s horizon continues its journey!

image of the use case meeting in rome - COMFORTage horizon

COMFORTage (Prediction, Monitoring and Personalized Recommendations for Prevention and Relief of Dementia and Frailty) is a Horizon Europ’s project which fosters solutions for frailty and dementia.

Technical and pilot’s representatives of the Consortium have celebrated a dedicated Use case meeting in Rome from April 18 to 19 to gather clinical and technology aspects to developed the 13 pilots during the project.

Rome, Friday 19 of April of 2024

COMFORTage Horizon project has conducted its second meeting in Rome on the 18th and 19th of April, hosted by Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli. The main objectives have been:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the architectural needs from the pilots and their associated data properties for project exploitation, alongside the additional value introduced by COMFORTage in dementia and frailty.
  • Perform an in-depth mapping of COMFORTage’s digital services and identify their usage in each Use Case Pilot.
  • Establish a direction for advancement, set interim objectives, and outline work plans within pilots for trial approval, ensuring clear allocation of roles and responsibilities.

COMFORTage Horizon Continues its Journey to Enhance Elderly Care and Digital Health Solutions

Over the past few days, partners have delved into understanding the architectural needs and data properties of pilots within COMFORTage, laying the groundwork for project exploitation. The project has conformed a Container Pilot Protocol which concerns common variables and metrics across all pilots. This Protocol will harmonise approaches and data collected in each of the 13 pilots, allowing for gathering an amount of evidence that will be very useful for the scientific and technical community. Additionally, discussions will cover the structure of the Trial document and future planning.

Technical and use case partners have presented opt-in tools, such as Healthentia, Virtual Assessment, Virtual supermarket, Linguistic Games, Tap2sps, Eligence, NimbusAI, Training Recomenders and Gradior IDENTIA.

Conversations also centred around mapping out:

  • workshop on Common Digital Services among the Pilots, the focus lies on identifying digital services to be commonly used across all Use Cases, based on shared interventions and outcomes.
  • innovation guidelines on the importance to progress with our pilots work over the state of the art and to identify what impact we are going to deliver to patients and end users,
  • presentation of Blueprint Persona that will help all the pilot partners to better design a whole integrated care pathway for the COMFORTage innovative solutions from an end users point of view,
  • methodology for the co-creation workshops aimed at identifying and match the care pathway with the innovative technologies of COMFORTage fitting the needs, expectations and wishes of patient’s/end users,
  • ethics Management major legal framework in clinical study.

Next General Assembly meeting will be held in Valladolid on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of June, to continue developing our project. It has been a very fruitful meeting where clear plans for future advancements have been set!


This four-year initiative aims to develop innovative solutions for the prevention of dementia and fragility, serving as an ambassador for the ‘Silver Deal’ promoted by the European Commission.

A powerful consortium of 39 partners from 12 countries:

  • Research Centres: University of Piraeus, University of Patras, NTNU – Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Cyprus University of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Tilburg University- Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
  • Industry: EBIT (Esaote Group), Maggioli S.p.A.
  • Healthcare Actors & Policy Makers: Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Gemelli Digital Medicine & Health Srl, The University of Manchester, Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona, Ana Aslan International Foundation, Faculty of Medicine at University of Ljubljana, ASL Roma 1, Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, European Health Telematics Association, Medical University of Lublin.
  • SMEs (eHealth, AI/AAL & Blockchain) Experts: UBITECH LTD, LeanXcale SL, Innovation Sprint Sprl, Information Techonology for Market Leadership, Stremble Ventures Ltd, NewCo, Ropardo Software Engineering, Amistim Medicaall Equipment, MCS DataLabs GmbH, Onmi B.V.
  • Networks & Associations: Fundació TIC Salut Social, EIP on AHA Reference Site Collaborative Network, Fundación Intras, Hellenic Devlopment City Network.
  • SSH & Legal: White Research, Q-PLAN International, Zavod vsesorte, izobrazevanje o naravi in zdravju and CyberEthics Lab. Srls.
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