Stremble Ventures Ltd.


Stremble Ventures Ltd is research and development-oriented company built around a core interdisciplinary team of scientists comprising computer scientists, clinicians, bioinformaticians, statisticians and molecular biologists. We offer a range of advanced analytics, bioinformatics and software engineering expertise for clinical trials and medical research. Our mission is to deliver innovative biotechnological and digital solutions in collaboration with our extensive global network of academic and industrial partners.

The company was established in 2011 by a team of scientists with extensive experience in the domains of clinical, pharmaceutical and genetic research. Collectively, the management team of Stremble have hundreds of high impact publications and have held leadership roles in both industry and academia, driven consortiums that managed over 200m Euros in research funding, producing patented diagnostic and pharmaceutical products that have achieved regulatory approvals and are on the market. The company has grown steadily in capacity and scope and is actively engaged in a number of public and private funded research actions and clinical trials.

Our portfolio of ongoing biomedical research projects includes the Horizon 2020 project CardioCare, where Stremble leads the work package on multi-omics analysis of cancer patients within a large clinical trial, the national-funded Cyprus Intestinal Health Study (CyIHS) where we conduct the metagenomic studies of cancer patients. SWIPE and Pre-Biome are two of our pharma industry funded clinical trials where we lead all analytic actions, including -omics, eCRF and wearables. Stremble is a key partner in the ERC proof-of-concept grant Myeloma-Risk to develop new methods for the early detection of blood cancers. We have successfully completed several National, EU (Horizon 2020) and Industry funded projects including over 12 clinical trials where we led the analyses of genomic, transcriptomics, metagenomics, proteomic, metabolomic and volatolomics data.

Stremble has developed an in-house cloud-based analytic platform STRAA (Stremble Advanced Analytics) that is designed to integrate multi-omics data from clinical trials and studies as well as exposome (environment) real world data and directly integrate this with Garmin wearables and other devices. STRAA is currently deployed on several pharma industry-funded clinical trials primarily in the fields of cancer, cardiovascular, infectious, neurological and geriatric conditions.

The company specialises in custom analytic and novel bioinformatic solutions which can bridge the gap from cutting-edge research outcomes to market and societal impacts. We have strong molecular biology, epidemiology, bioinformatics and computational biology teams that are able to lead experimental design, data collection, definition of analyses plans, and execution of efficacy and safety as well as exploratory analytics. Stremble can perform complete sample-to-result processing of clinical samples in all of the omics domains (genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics, etc.) at highly competitive rates. We are also able to provide advisory services on IPR protection, research exploitation planning, international patents, trademarks and healthcare regulatory affairs.


Key Stremble Personnel in COMFORTAGE project:

  • Dr Athos Antoniades, CEO & Head of Research
  • Dr Federica Tozzi, Head of Neuroscience & Brain Research
  • Dr Paris Vogazianos, Senior Statistician
  • Dr Cameron Brown, Head of Translational Medicine
  • Dimitris Vraxnos, Scientist
  • Emily Charalambous, Scientist
Type of entity
SMEs (eHealth, AI/AAL & Blockchain Experts
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