Q-PLAN International Advisors PC

Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL (qplan-intl.gr) is an innovation and management consulting company that focuses on the provision of innovation and business support services to private and public organisations operating across several industrial sectors (e.g. ICT, Manufacturing, Health, Transport, Environment, Energy, Agro-food, etc.), enabling them to effectively and timely seize opportunities for innovation and growth at national and international level.
The core service portfolio of Q-PLAN includes business modelling and planning, feasibility and market studies, design and implementation of (Quality) Management Systems, access to finance as well as business development services (>400 cases in the last decade). In addition, Q-PLAN provides hands-on support to innovators contributing to the design, management and implementation of their innovation projects as well as of their international networking, communication and dissemination activities.
Q-PLAN has been actively involved in the European R&I landscape since 2003 and since then has participated in more than 55 EU-funded projects and studies, mainly as Project Coordinator, Innovation and Exploitation Manager and/or Dissemination and Communication Manager. In this context, Q-PLAN has supported several promising R&D teams, technological ventures, start-ups, SMEs as well as large private or public organisations to commercialise their R&I results. In result, the company has accumulated considerable expertise in managing innovation with a view to translating novel knowledge and ideas into demand-driven innovations that are successfully disseminated and introduced to the market based on sustainable business models.
At the same time, the company has created and retains a growing network of R&I actors (research/technological organisations and institutes, large industries, innovative SMEs, service providers, etc.), intermediates (NGOs/CSOs, industrial associations, SME clusters, citizens associations, formal and informal networks, etc.) and expert advisors (experts in various technology areas and market sectors acting as consultants at regional, national and European level), stemming not only from its participation as a key partner in relevant EU projects, but also from its systematic provision of customised services to leading businesses and organisations.
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