European Health Telematics Association

EHTEL (the European Health Telematics Association) is a unique pan-European multidisciplinary stakeholder platform, bringing together organisations and individuals engaged in all aspects of eHealth. EHTEL’s distinctive structure enables the exchange of ideas, opportunities and knowledge with a community of 5,000 digital health and care experts and innovators. It does that through webinars and projects, leading to innovation in the delivery of eHealth solutions and the transformation of health and social care.
The association is well placed, in the heart of Europe, to bring together the voices of European stakeholder groups, and provide concrete insights into European policy. EHTEL does not lobby on behalf of specific stakeholder groups but rather facilitates interaction between all of them.
EHTEL’s growing membership includes more than 50 organisations from all relevant stakeholder groups. The multiple interests and viewpoints of its members enables EHTEL to take a uniquely holistic approach on the implementation of eHealth solutions. Read what EHTEL members have to say about what their membership offers them. EHTEL adds value by identifying topics and opportunities for engagement for its members and creating synergies between them, as well as building relationships between European projects, Digital Innovation Hubs and Reference Repositories.
Type of entity
Healthcare actor & policy makers
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