CyberEthics Lab. S.R.L.


CyberEthics Lab. (CEL) is an Italian SME founded on the multidisciplinary expertise of its team of researchers and industry professionals in the fields of technology, ethics, law, SSH and management. Its core mission is to promote a new approach to development where ethics, privacy, compliance and social acceptance are the fundamental pillars that drive the creation of more robust and trustworthy technologies.

CEL’s core business consists in supporting its client in integrating legal and ethical safeguards into technology design, informed by our ongoing research into the social and ethical implications of technology. Our recommendations ensure compliance with current laws and ethical principles while prioritizing fundamental rights.

With extensive experience in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), CEL has developed and validated its methodology in numerous EU R&D projects. This approach has led to meaningful outcomes in technology research and development in various sectors. In addition, our policy briefs (e.g. Privacy and Security aspects of 5G technology for the European Parliamentary Research Service), underline our commitment to shaping the ethical and regulatory landscape of emerging technologies.

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