Centre for Research and Technology Hellas


The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) is the only research centre in Northern Greece and one of the largest in the country founded in 2000. Its mission is to promote the triplet Research – Development – Innovation by conducting high quality research and developing innovative products and services while building strong partnerships with industry and strategic collaborations with academia and other research and technology organisations in Greece and abroad.

CERTH consists of five (5) Institutes and the Central Directorate and is governed by its Board of Directors.

The Information Technologies Institute (ITI) was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Greek Ministry of Development, with its head office located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 10/03/2000 it is a founding member of CERTH.

CERTH/ITI is one of the leading Institutions of Greece in the fields of Informatics, Telematics and Telecommunications, with long experience in numerous European and national R&D projects. It is active in a large number of application sectors (energy, buildings and construction, health, manufacturing, robotics, (cyber)security, transport, smart cities, space, agri-food, marine and blue growth, water, etc.) and technology areas such as data and visual analytics, data mining, machine and deep learning, virtual and augmented reality, image processing, computer and cognitive vision, human computer interaction, IoT and communication technologies, navigation technologies, cloud and computing technologies, distributed ledger technologies (blockchain), (semantic) interoperability, system integration, mobile and web applications, hardware design and development, smart grid technologies and solutions and social media analysis.

In the last 3 years (2020 – 2023), CERTH/ITI has participated in more than 428 research projects and R&D contracts with the Private Sector (Industry). More specifically, it has been involved in 239 EU funded H2020 research projects (EU funding: 63.15 M€) and in 189 projects funded by Greek National Research Programmes and Consulting Subcontracts with the industry (National projects funding: 8.63 M€; R&D contracts: 4.14 M€).

For the last 10 years, the publication record of ITI includes more than 330 scientific publications in international journals, more than 780 publications in conferences and 100 books and book chapters. These works have been cited in more than 7.500 times.

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