Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the largest university in Greece. The main campus is located in the center of the city of Thessaloniki and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. It comprises 10 faculties which consist of 40 schools and 1 single-School Faculty. Its Medical school consists of 500 academic staff members and 3500 students. Some educational and administrative facilities are located off campus for practical and operational reasons. Several of these facilities are located outside the city of Thessaloniki or even in other cities. In this project, AUTH will participate with the Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation.

The Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation is a dynamic, interactive scientific community, the largest laboratory within the Health Sciences Faculty, and one of the largest of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, considering the number of researchers employed and the number of projects, funding, and overall academic work production. The mission of the Lab is to excel in training and multi-disciplinary research in a setting that fosters creativity and synergy.

The Lab is pioneering in research fields such as assistive technologies for health and wellbeing, living labs, applied neuroscience, medical education technology and innovation, medical imaging, semantic web, affective computing, and other contemporary thematic areas like brain computer interfaces and medical and social robots. It is composed of contemporary working spaces, unique for a public Hellenic University, and accommodates unique laboratory infrastructures such as a Digital Living Lab space, a hospital-based Healthcare Transitions Living Lab, a Short Arm Human Centrifuge Rehabilitation Lab, a fully equipped Neuroscience Laboratory with high-density EEG, neurofeedback and MEG (soon) and other.

The Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation comprises of several research groups, leaders in their respective specialties, which pursue innovative research projects. Members of the Lab have been recognized internationally for their research excellence and have been funded by a wide spectrum of sources. The Lab has successfully coordinated LLM (Long Lasting Memories) a CIP-PSP EU project on Elderly Care and Cognitive and Physical Training within Ambient Assistive Living, the H2020 SmokeFreeBrain project in line with a call from the Global Alliance of Chronic Diseases (GACD) and the H2020 CAPTAIN, and participates in the Erasmus+ projects  DS Leisure, mHEALTH_AD .

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