Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona


The Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona is a comprehensive non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Founded in 1996, this center offers a holistic approach that includes diagnosis, treatment, research and education, specifically tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals and the families of those affected. It operates a renowned Diagnostic Unit recognized for its pioneering efforts. Ace also manages a Daycare Unit that provides daily support to patients with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, with a specific facility for people with pre-senile dementia.

The center is distinguished by its significant contributions to research, leading numerous clinical trials and maintaining the largest genetic collection for Alzheimer’s in Europe. Its research efforts span various domains, including clinical studies, genomics, biomarkers, and imaging, all aimed at understanding and combating dementia.

Additionally, Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona extends its educational initiatives beyond professional training, incorporating public awareness programs designed to better inform the general public and support families dealing with dementia.

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