Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona
The Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona is a comprehensive non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Founded in 1996, this center offers a holistic approach that includes diagnosis, treatment, research and education, specifically tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals and the families of those affected. It operates a […]
Fundació TIC Salut Social
The TIC Salut Social Foundation (FTSS) is a public agency within the Catalan Ministry of Health founded in 2006, whose mission is to facilitate digital transformation projects of the Catalan Health System. The foundation’s vision is to promote the efficiency and sustainability of healthcare and social services through innovative technology, promoting equity, innovation, collaboration, transparency, […]
Fundacion INTRAS
INTRAS is a non-profit organisation dedicated to high quality research and intervention in the mental health field. It basically aims at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and mental illness, as well as homeless people. INTRAS targets mostly adults, youth in working age and the elderly with cognitive impairment. We develop activities […]
LeanXcale SL
LeanXcale is a spinoff company from the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid – UPM), developing an ultra-scalable transactional database that is full-SQL with Analytical capabilities (HTAP database). Founded in 2015, LeanXcale is established on deep technical research into distributed systems and data management. The professors leading the Distributed Systems Lab (LSD) at […]