Celebrating Innovation: COMFORTage’s First General Assembly and Open Day on Cognitive Health!

image of the First General Assembly and Open Day on Cognitive Health

The COMFORTage project celebrated its First General Assembly and Open Day from 11th to 13th June, featuring conferences and demo sessions focused on cognitive health, harnessing Artificial Intelligence and technological advancements to predict dementia and frailty in Valladolid, Spain.


Hosted by Fundacion INTRAS at the School of Telecommunications Engineering in Valladolid, the General Assembly marked an important milestone for COMFORTage. From 11th to 13th June, the Consortium made significant progress following the last meeting in Rome, which was focused on aligning the technical aspects and pilot requirements. During these sessions, the project advanced key issues and laid out plans for the months ahead, including:

  • Finalising bioethics and clinical protocols.
  • Establishing a comprehensive ethical framework.
  • Progressing the technical integration of the COMFORTage platform, including user, technical, and ethical requirements for all pilots.
  • Defining digital healthcare pathways and user journeys for each pilot, ensuring the seamless interaction of different roles with the platform.
  • Identifying the digital services that will be utilised in each pilot.
  • Presenting the Innovation Inception Report.
  • Conducting the first market analysis and setting steps for the development of a Business Plan for COMFORTage.
  • Introducing wellness activities, including yoga and mindfulness sessions, to foster relaxation during the meetings.
  • Discussing updates and future plans for each Work Package.
  • Providing a project management and financial report.
  • Launching the first version of the COMFORTage website.

OPEN DAY: Cognitive Health to harness AI and technological advances for the prediction of dementia and frailty

The COMFORTage Open Day on Cognitive Health was held on 13th June, drawing nearly one hundred experts in health, care, and new technologies, as well as individuals with lived experience, to explore AI’s potential in dementia and frailty prediction. The event took place at the University of Valladolid, where several projects related to dementia prevention through data collection were showcased, including:

During the event, the IDENTIA project demonstrated the use of virtual reality to prevent Mild Cognitive Impairment, while other initiatives showcased advancements in dementia prevention through encephalogram and magnetoencephalogram techniques, highlighting the significance of accurate dementia diagnosis.

In the second part, held in the Innova UVa building, demo sessions took place at the Innova UVa building, where cutting-edge technologies, such as virtual reality programs, digital avatars, and linguistic games, were tested for their potential to enhance information collection and support cognitive health. Notable technologies included:

The event successfully demonstrated how technological innovation can aid in dementia prediction and cognitive health. Special thanks go to the Fundación UVA , the Universidad de Valladolid, and ENSUMA for their collaborative efforts in organising this successful event, including managing the catering.

Looking Ahead

The next General Assembly an Open Day will be held in Romania in October, to continue with the next steps of our project.

It has been a very fruitful meeting where clear plans for future advancements have been set!

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