

Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM is one of the largest research institutes specializing in applied mathematics in Europe. ITWM conducts mathematical methods research and prototype software development for many fields of application. ITWM collaborates in publicly funded research projects and industrial contract research with national and international partners from science and industry. In medicine, healthcare and social services, ITWM has been developing innovative customer-specific method and software solutions and services for about 25 years. Central topics are operations research in healthcare, optimization of therapy plans, data analysis and artificial intelligence, decision support systems and medical technology.

In the COMFORTAGE project, ITWM is working on generating case-specific recommendations and general approaches for the prevention and alleviation of age-related diseases. For this purpose, case data of people with diagnosed dementia or frailty or signs thereof are considered. The data is combined with medical expertise and clinical comparison data in an AI-based analysis. The analysis results flow into a digitally assisted planning of individual treatment recommendations and general strategies for action. ITWM contributes to these project contents with its great expertise in such planning and analysis tasks, in particular with the development of decision support systems.

Type of entity
Research centres
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