COMFORTage Community Forum

A collaborative network designed to sustain and amplify the project’s impact long after its formal conclusion.

The role of the COMFORTage Community Forum (CCF)

The CCF serves as a dynamic collaborative network, engaging partners, pilots, and expert stakeholders with a shared interest in dementia, cognitive decline, and digital health technologies. Its primary objective is to boost the sustainability and wider uptake of COMFORTage’s results, providing ongoing opportunities for learning, knowledge exchange, and collaboration.

Active and Healthy Ageing  Reference Sites Collaborative Network (RSCN), as a key partner in the COMFORTage project, is the responsible of implementing and managing the CCF, bringing together stakeholders to enhance personalised dementia and frailty care solutions across Europe.

3 people in what appears to be a business meeting. Image referring to the CCF

Key objectives


Facilitating Access to Innovation Insights

By engaging with the CCF, stakeholders gain access to the latest advancements in the field, fostering continuous learning.


Enhancing Regional Alignment

The CCF aims to deepen stakeholders’ understanding of regional health priorities, aligning project efforts with local needs.


Ensuring Long-term Continuity

The forum seeks to establish sustainable mechanisms for collaboration, ensuring its impact continues beyond the project’s lifespan.

Membership and Stakeholder Engagement

The CCF is initially comprised of the 39 partners and pilot organizations involved in the COMFORTage project. This foundational group is essential for driving the forum’s success.

Additionally, the CCF invites diverse stakeholders, including health professionals, policymakers, researchers, etc., to create a rich ecosystem for dialogue and innovation. 

The CCF has been established in two phases

It has started in October 2024, and it will focus on forming a core working group of committed stakeholders. 

In February of 2025, we invite a wider range of participants through an open call for membership.

Engagement strategies include information webinars, regular updates through social media, and dedicated resources on the COMFORTage website. These efforts aim to ensure active participation and sustained interest in the forum.

The COMFORTage Community Forum plays a crucial role in enhancing dementia and frailty care across Europe. By fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and driving innovative solutions, the CCF not only supports the immediate goals of the COMFORTage project but also ensures its long-term relevance and adaptability in improving the quality of life for individuals affected by these conditions.

Benefits of joing the CCF

Join Our Community for Dementia and Frailty Care:

  • Exclusive Resources: Access cutting-edge research, best practices, and innovative solutions.
  • Supportive Network: Connect with peers to share experiences and practical advice.
  • Learning Opportunities: Enhance your skills through webinars, events, and training.
  • Shape Research & Policy: Contribute to research and influence policy decisions.
  • Collaborate & Innovate: Engage with stakeholders to explore and validate new approaches in care.
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